Program(s) Available: B.A., B.S., Minor
A Theatre 和记棋牌娱乐学位为你提供了大量的就业机会,并帮助你发展各种技能. 和记棋牌娱乐的毕业生成功地在专业戏剧职业道路上找到工作. 在您的学术生涯早期,和记棋牌娱乐通过课程提供基于专业的学习. Want to find out more? Keep reading!
At Northwest, we want you to jump right in! It's why we have the first-year student showcase, where you can be in a production in your first year. Our students are successful. 和记棋牌娱乐戏剧专业的学位会让你走上在这个行业找到工作的正确道路. 校友们在演员、导演、设计师等领域取得了成功.
西北剧院像家族企业一样大规模运作. 而戏剧是一个杰出的出口,为任何专业的任何人的创造性努力, Theatre Northwest majors become successful teachers, directors and forensics coaches, designers in any of several areas, performers, stage managers, 舞台技术人员或制作人员的领导和成员, dramaturgs, and much more. 他们从事从专业舞台工作到地方歌剧工作的各种工作, cruise ship or theme park performers, university professors, drama therapists, theatre business managers, theatre publicity managers, arts administrators, and more. 他们表演、设计、建造、绘画、学习、教学,最重要的是创造. Theatre Northwest believes in learning by doing, 通过课堂教学,及早并经常巧妙地与理论相结合, Master Classes and individual study. 剧院西北专业的毕业生成为在职专业人员. If that is your goal, Northwest is for you.
在你成为熊猫的第一年,你将有机会在几场演出中表演. In addition, you will take Acting, Oral Interpretation, Theatre Design, Theatre Foundations, 剧院技术技能(三个不同领域最多三次), and Theatre Appreciation. Later, depending on the direction you choose to pursue, you will have classes such as Advanced Acting, Acting Periods and Styles, Voice and Movement, Creative Dramatics, Stage Makeup, Theatre Design in Costumes, Electrics, or scenery (or all), Theatre Drafting and Advanced Drafting, Playwriting, Theatre History (two options), Stage and Business Management, Directing, Theatre Capstone, and more. 和记棋牌娱乐的半综合哲学让你对戏剧的所有主要领域都有一个概览,但也可以让你随心所欲地集中注意力. 这提高了市场竞争力,并帮助毕业生一出校门就找到工作.
文学学士(BA)是为辅修课程的学生设计的. 这个30小时的课程通常可以打开学生的大门,让他们追求创意写作或健康等途径,为他们的简历增添其他技能. 理学学士(BS)是一个60小时的课程,专门研究戏剧的两个方面:表演和技术与设计.
一年级学生可以在秋季或春季剧院参观日或学生和教师之间安排的任何时间试镜戏剧奖学金. 主修任何戏剧领域的学生,包括教育专业,都可以获得奖学金. In addition, 戏剧项目提供了许多机会,如设施助理或获得服务奖项奖学金,范围从票房管理到表演指导到现场车间监督. 每年提供10-20个服务奖奖学金.
The Bachelor of Arts in Theatre (30 hours), which requires a minor, 为学生提供戏剧研究各个领域的实践和理论知识,为高级培训做准备, graduate work or direct entry into the field.
表演专业的学生在第一年开始学习戏剧基础, Stage Makeup, Acting and Technical Skills. 学生们可以通过一年四部主要舞台作品和几次独幕剧的机会来打造一份多样化的简历. Check out our current schedule of shows for this year.
这个技术和设计专业提供起草课程, scene design, stage lighting and more. 学生们通过每年参加四部主要舞台作品和独幕剧来获得专业的学习. 作为技术总监/表演设施经理的助理,学生可以获得就业机会. 这个项目的学生已经在百老汇实习,目前正在担任舞台管理.
辅修戏剧(24小时)为其他专业的学生提供戏剧所有主要领域的一般知识, 并为他们提供了在生产环境中应用这些知识的机会. View the catalog for courses.
Department of Fine and Performing Arts
Career Ready
Theatre: Performance
“我认为和记棋牌娱乐让我具备了全面的技能,为进入专业领域做好了准备. 对专业雇主来说,多才多艺是件好事.” — Shawn Murphy